Not only do we create great podcasts but using the experience of our team of professionals, we can offer you additional useful services. These include media training, podcast production and podcast training as well as offering you Real Agenda Radio as a platform to build audience for your podcast.

Media Training
Got a big story coming out or facing a crisis, and unsure of your top lines and key messages? Need help with Story Telling/Narrative and Message Development
The media training team is headed by our director Simon who was a BBC producer and report. Also giving personal media training our director, Jennifer who was ITN Home Affairs Editor. We can really help your team understand how newsrooms operate and how to make journalists take notice, so you know the media tricks of the trade and how to respond to the questions you dread.
We can tailor a media training package for your organisation, ensuring you are ready to engage in any format, based on your core narrative, values and goals with clear newsworthy messages. You will learn how to set a positive agenda and Focus an interview where YOU need it, by pivoting & reframing the discussion.
Plus, we can give you On Camera training: so you tell your story and deliver key messages with confidence and by knowing media tricks of the trade and how to respond to the questions you dread. We will practice different interview styles; including live radio, skype, down-the-line tv, on location pre-rec, green screen and studio, sofa chats, door-step interviews and the confrontational one-to-one.
Podcast production
You can create your own podcast series, or rather we can do it for you so no need for equipment, training, hosting etc, we can handle it all. So we will help you create the content and organize distribution as well as supply you with stats.
For charities, and like minded campaigning groups
looking to build an engaged and active community? We can help you get started If you do not already produce regular or even occasional podcast, we can make it happen as we offer tailored packages to suit your needs and budget. Your podcast will be released through Real Agenda Radio and you can have your own channel so you can build your own subscriber base, plus audience stats.
For business
This is particularly useful for companies who wish to build trust, enhance their reputation, explain their social responsibility initiatives, or genuinely talk about the great things they are doing for the good of society. We can create, manage and distribute your own podcast series.

Partner with The Real Agenda Network
If you are looking to grow your audience for your podcast, then we have an opportunity for you.
We are developing a partner network of like-minded, non-partisan campaigning
that has a collective online following of over 500,000 from which we can all build an engaged and involved audience. Not only will we host your podcast on Real Agenda Radio but we will feature your news and content in our in-house shows, you and your organisation will be the first people we will come to for comment on your specialist area and also be on our priority guest list. We just ask that you promote Real Agenda Radio though your network. It’s a win -win!