Real Agenda Radio offers a range of podcasts with the potential to really explore issues, challenge traditional thinking and the status quo. Its progressive & reform focused content offers a real opportunity to develop an alternative mass-audience platform to the mainstream news agenda. Real Agenda Radio plans to expand into a multi-media news and information channel offering audio, video, online, events and maybe even print options

The Real Agenda
The Real Agenda, the original podcast for political change, started by Tom Burgess in October 2018, aims to inform, inspire and involve those who want a democratic, inclusive and fairer society that respects human rights and protects the planet. The focus is on fixing the fundamental problems of our time, primarily the extreme economic inequality and the unnecessary financial hardship suffered by millions everyday by developing a political agenda that moves us from here to prosperity. That’s The Real Agenda.

Network News
The Real Agenda Network News is a fortnightly news bulletin presented by Tom Burgess, founder of The Real Agenda and Jennifer Nadel, ex ITN Home Affairs editor. Each edition will highlight the news on the good work being carried out by determined campaigning groups in The Real Agenda Network, those organisations working hard to bring social and economic change, where prosperity which we all helped to create, is shared by all, not just the few. The bulletin will also a feature a media monitor segment where we take a relevant news item and look behind the story, what it did not say and how the problem could be fixed. Produced by Real Agenda Radio.

The Real Agenda America
Currently 47% of audience of the Real Agenda Radio audience is in the United States, so this series will focus on specific American content, talking to politicians, activists, campaigners, academics and the media and about the key problems and how they could be fixed, if there is the political will. This show is hosted by Tom Burgess who worked on the Bernie 2016 campaign, was on the national organising team for a movement to set up a new People’s Party plus is the author of the 2016 book: From Here To Prosperity, directly addressing how toxic economic inequality in America could be resolved. The series was piloted in 2019 but now that there has been a leadership change, there is an opportunity that some of the Berning injustices could be fixed. Produced by Real Agenda Radio
Profit for Purpose
Profit for Purpose series features business leaders talking about leading the change in turning business into a force for good & contributing significantly to a more inclusive and sustainable economy, while at the same time making a positive impact on reducing inequality, because that’s The Real Agenda. In the first series, some of the most popular episodes featured Julian Richer, founder of home entertainment retailer Richer Sounds, talking about Ethical Capitalism and the campaigns he supports: Zero hours Justice, Good Business Charter and Tax Watch. Produced by Real Agenda Radio. For details of series two, guest and sponsorship opportunities contact info@realagendaradio.org

Compassion in Politics
Compassion in Politics is the think tank that works to bring more compassion into public life The first series called Beyond Covid explores ideas that would enable the UK to build back better after the Covid-19 crisis and is hosted by Jennifer Nadel and Matt Hawkins, co-directors of Compassion in Politics. This series is produced in partnership with Real Agenda Radio showcasing podcasts for political change.

Inequality Bites
On Inequality Bites, we explore how we can make society more equal so that everyone can flourish. In each episode, Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director of The Equality Trust speaks to experts with learned and lived experience about the impact of socio-economic inequalities, and discusses solutions to overcome them. Listen to Inequality Bites on Real Agenda Radio.

Across The Benches
Hosted by Gavin Esler, former BBC Newsnight presenter, produced by Compassion in Politics in partnership with Real Agenda Radio, Across the Benches will invite two politicians from different parties will come together for a moderated conversation to talk about their shared passions, interests, and ideas. The thirty minute episode will be an unashamedly positive, designed to showcase humanity’s common ground, highlight the value of cooperation, and promote inclusivity and respect.

Hungry, Homeless, Powerless
The crisis of low-income families & unaffordable housing can be fixed & the misery of millions could be ended. The late Rev Paul Nicolson, the initiator of the real living wage & founder of Taxpayers Against Poverty explains, recalling his relentless efforts over the last 50 year to bring compassion & justice. Produced by Real Agenda Radio.

Around The House
In these episodes we talk to Members of Parliament about what needs to be fixed, what they propose to do about it and what we, the people can do to make real change happen

From Here To Prosperity
From Here to Prosperity is a new podcast series on Real Agenda Radio. With this series, we seek to give voice to widespread frustration felt by so many of us at the failure of partisan politics and traditional economics to end toxic inequality worldwide. But instead of dwelling on these grievances, you will hear about a seductively simple path forward with a fresh, simple and highly practical strategy to provide immediate and substantial relief to millions of people struggling to make ends meet.
The series is hosted by Tom Burgess, the author of From Here To Prosperity which describes an Agenda for Progressive Prosperity based on an inequality busting strategy of Income for Me/Wealth for We. The book is available direct from the publishers at www.shepheardwalwyn.com or from good online and local bookstores.

Podcast Radio
You can also listen to The Real Agenda on Podcast Radio, which showcases fantastic podcasts to the world. The network combines live presenters, news updates, charts, and acts as a constant source of podcast inspiration and discoverability 24 hours a day. The Real Agenda partners with Podcast Radio on podcast production.
All this and more on Real Agenda Radio, Podcasts for Positive Change